Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Updated Book List

18) Don't Say a Word by Barbara Freethy (my first read on my new Kindle - yay!) - completed October 2011

Anyone have a Kindle recommendation from the free or cheap books? I'm waiting for birthday money to purchase a few of the "pricier" ones. ;-)


Rita Bird said...

I recommend all of the classics. I especially liked the Sherlock Holmes series. I had never read them preKindle. A lot of the free books aren't the best, but hey, they' re free. If you find anything worth mentioning, let me know. I'm so frugal I haven't purchased a new book since we read Mennonite in BC. Check your library and see if they have an ebook lending program.

Jennifer said...

I check the free bestsellers about once a week. Go ahead and get anything that looks like it might be good. They change pretty often and then the books aren't free anymore. I haven't picked any that I hated yet and I've found a few that I would pay to read more of. My first Kindle reading were all of the Anne of Green Gables again. I think I paid $1 for all of them. I also recommend watching the Kindle Daily Deal.

Jennifer said...

Oh yeah, you can also borrow e-books for the Montgomery Public Library if you have a card. There is a link to overdrive on their website. I haven't tried it yet, but I've heard good things about other cities.

Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

I agree with these ladies. I also downloaded all the Anne books, Jane Austen books, and of course, Jane Eyre. Right now I am reading Les Mis (a BIG undertaking) and Dracula (it is Halloween season after all). I check the free deals pretty often and download if I think I am even slightly interested. I think I've only permanently deleted one book so far.

Also, if you are willing to wait a little while on new books, they drop the prices incredibly after a month or so. I think I ended up only paying $2.99 when I finally bought Water for Elephants.

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