Monday, December 21, 2009

My life is a musical...

So I'm feeling the need for a new post. Of course, I should be addressing my Christmas cards that have yet to be mailed, but they'll wait 15 more minutes.

First, the bad news:

1. My step mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Many of you know that my grandmother was diagnosed this past summer so this will be our second time since July to deal with this nasty illness. If you feel inclined, please say a prayer for Lisa and Dad. She has lots of doctors appointments and chemo and radiation and surgery ahead of her.

Now, some good news:

1. The second freezer swap went really well. We're planning for the third.
2. Chad is off for Christmas break. I love, love, love having him at home. I fear that I may cling to his leg when he has to leave for class on January 11.
3. I have a draft of dissertation fellowship number 5. Chad must read it soon so that I can revise and submit that bad boy. Only one more to go!
4. I received a composter last night from Dad and Lisa. I could not be more thrilled. They got me a fun turning one that's even nicer than the one I asked for. They're awesome like that. Now to figure it out...
5. I've been taking a pottery class at the Armory. I decided to use some of my birthday money to do something instead of just buying more stuff. I'm quite happy with the decision. I still suck at pulling up the durn sides, but I can center the clay with no help so I consider that a tremendous accomplishment at this point. I love my teacher. She's patient and enjoys laughing with me. Oh, and she's an amazing friend.

Finally, the "we've been doing this" news:

1. We're still searching for a church. We enjoyed a visit to Eastern Hills Baptist this morning. Sheri attends there with her family. Her husband is the Music Associate there.Cady was quite excited when we dropped her off in the nursery. She cried when we picked her up to go home. Apparently we're not as much fun as church toys.
2. We signed Cady up to start at the Montessori Academy in January. She'll be going M-F from 8:30-12. I hope it's a good fit for her. We think it will be, but you never know until you just get in there.
3. I read Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. If you haven't read it, DO SO NOW. Amazing. Especially if you need help getting started on a writing project. I will soon have quotations from the book plastered in my work space for motivation.
4. Chad and I have some preaching engagements coming up in the next several months. He preaches January 3 at his home church in Carrollton. I'll preach at Pintlala Baptist Church in Hope Hull on February 7 and then at Tabernacle Baptist (Chad's home church) on May 10. We're so thankful for these opportunities to proclaim God's word. What a gift!
5. I'm starting to panic about my dissertation. I had a freak out day last week complete with crying and moping and meanness toward the ones I love (okay, mostly toward Chad). At one point I had tears rolling down my face as I read books to Cady. It was pitiful. Thankfully Anna and Paul rescued me from myself by inviting me over for dinner. Yay friendship.

Okay, so that's enough procrastinating on the Christmas cards for now. I guess I'll get back to it. At least Chad writes our Christmas letter...otherwise you wouldn't get it until Easter. Seriously.


Megan said...

Will be praying for your step Mom....I imagine it's especially difficult to deal with that kind of news around the holidays.

Congrats on the freezer swapping, fellowship applications, pottery, composter, and preaching!

As far as the dissertation goes, I feel your pain! It's way too easy to let those anxious fears just take over, isnt it? Between Philippians 1:6 and 4:6-9, I'm encouraged and trying to just hang in there! I hope that the fellowship(s) comes through for you and that you have a sense of peace (at least occasionally! ;) ) about your dissertation over the coming months.

Christy Ross said...

I'll definitely be praying for Lisa and your dad.

YaY about your composter! What kind did you get? get that bad boy set up and you're officially a dirt maker!!

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