Because everyone else is doing it :-)
Age: 31
Bed size: Queen
Chore that you hate: Is there really a chore that you LOVE? But, since I'm suppose to pick one I'll say washing the dishes (ick. yuck. ew.).
Dogs: No, thank goodness.
Essential to start your day: Now that I'm pregnant - breakfast of some sort and usually a coke
Favorite Color: Purple
Height: 5'7"-ish
Instruments you play: Piano and handbells, I play the organ at our church too, but I still don't claim to know "how" to play it
Job Title: Graduate Student
Kids: Elizabeth Cady Eggleston (3) and another on the way
Live: Montgomery, Al
Mother's Name: Diane Ellene Kelly Dawson
Nicknames: Pooh, Mandy Mc, Buddy
Overnight hospital stays: Emergency Gall Bladder surgery and maybe the plastic surgery I had when I was little and spilled coffee on myself
Pet Peeves: Constant whistling, People who interrupt (though I'm often guilty of this myself!), and students who cheat to name a few ;-)
Quote from a movie: "Well, don't play hard to get. You might miss something." -Buzz, from the movie Shag
Right or Left Hand: Right Handed
Siblings: One brother (Bobby), One step-brother (Dale), and Three step-sisters (Heather, Kristi, and Julie)
Truth or Dare: Usually truth
Ultimate Vacation: Any vacation that happens post-dissertation will be a dream vacation. I will be able to read only fun things and not feel guilty about it.
Vegetable you hate: Turnip Greens
What Makes You Run Late: Not getting up on time, Cady refusing to eat breakfast and/or get dressed
X-rays you've had: I really don't know
Yummy Food that you Make: Chicken pockets
Zoo Animal: Elephants
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