Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Favorites

Highlights High Five Magazine

This magazine is absolutely fabulous! If you have a 2-6 year old in your life that is not receiving this magazine, sign them up for it now (or put it on their Christmas list!). It is full of stories, poems, games, and more. My grandparents signed C up for this magazine about a year ago and she adores it. When she gets it, she wants to read the whole thing immediately. We have the old ones in various places around our house because C enjoys returning to them again and again. And, of course, playing the games again and again :-)

If the child in your life is over 6, no problem! They'll enjoy Highlights, which is written for the 6 and older crowd.

While you can order either of these magazines through Amazon or from the Highlights website, I recommend ordering them through L's girl scout troop. Contact Jennifer for more information on how to get this amazing learning tool while helping out a worthy cause.

P.S. Jennifer, sorry I couldn't put my money where my mouth is! My grandmother renewed Cady's subscription through her great-grandson's school :-)


Jennifer said...

Thanks for the plug!

Rita Bird said...

Jack received High Five for Christmas last year. Sadly, I just put them in a stack to be looked at later. Later never comes. Thanks for reminding me of our treasure trove. I think I'll break them out today.

Mandy Mc said...

No problem, Jennifer!

Rita, I hope you have fun with your treasures today. Cady's started to talk about some of the story characters in everyday life. It's hilarious ;-)

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