Tuesday, November 29, 2011

SDE's room

I don't have tons of ideas for SDE's room, but I have a few. Most notably, I know that I want to make a quilt like this one for him. I think it's adorable and it looks easy enough that I just might be able to finish it before he's born. I'm thinking I'll do a printed back instead of solid white to give it a bit more oomph. I also saw a sweet dreams bunting that I think would be adorable hanging above his crib. My question is this: how should I go about picking the fabric for the buntings? I want a rainbow of colors and I'd like to pick one of them for the back, but I HATE trying to coordinate fabric. It stresses me out.

SDE's room will likely be painted cream, pale yellow, or green (decisive enough for you?) with a general green and yellow theme so that I can use some of the green stuff we have from Cady's infant days. I'm sure I'll throw some blue in too because I ADORE blue, but I don't want an all-blue nursery. Eventually I want to make (or have one of my talented friends make :-)) a quilt (maybe a plus quilt?) for the daybed that will probably end up in his room for now. So, anyone want to volunteer to pick out the material for me? I'll throw in some material for you as compensation ;-)

Last room idea I have for now: I'd like for Cady to create something for SDE. I'm thinking some kind of handprint and/or footprint art for the wall. Any ideas from all of you crafty gals?


Melissa said...

I would be no help in the material department, but I ran across this on etsy - http://www.etsy.com/listing/58262126/custom-handprint

Maybe you could do a variation of it as C's wall art for his room?

Christy Ross said...

We should figure out a time that's good for us to get together and look at fabric.

Also, have you checked out any of the new lines at connectingthreads.com? They make coordinating fabric so EASY.

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